OH MY GOODNESS Sorry for the delay!
We are working on getting a Spotify download version-but it is taking a bit longer than we thought to release this 2003 hard copy LOL! Please check back to our “albums” page where we should have the link listed ASAP. If you are interested in the whole album sung by our former band “as the crow flies”, please email us at redgirlmusic@gmail.com and we will send you the whole album for $5 download fee. Thank you, Anie Hepher
2020 …..A Whole New World
Well, just like you-we are trying to adjust the constant changes and opportunities presented to us in these unprecedented times. To lighten the load, and to give us a chance to play music, we have started a little LIVE FACEBOOK stream series every Saturday for our beloved mountain community in the Kootenays. It’s called the Saturday Quarantine Social and is co-hosted by the most wonderful Shred Kelly band (from Fernie as well).
ALL are welcome to join us…from the comfort of your own home! #stayhome

The local Tipple Liquor Store delivers!
Just a little hello from the Redgirl HQ where we are lining up some gigs for 2019-2020. We have been busy with other musical ventures -Mike with the Doggone Brothers and Anie with Good Valley…but not quite as good about keeping our website up to date!
These days we are needing to keep it simple and playing mainly a ginger duo. We do love and miss our full band, but lives with houses, VWs, teens and family are showing us that simplicity is best!
Small is mighty though…and we are building on new songs and arrangements and looking forward to seeing you on a local stage! Watch our facebook page for upcoming events and gigs.
Apologies for the long radio silence.
Please do not adjust your set!
Mike and Anie
Redgirl at GillBilly 2016
On October 1st, 2016 we are pleased as punch to be openers for the beautiful clawhammer stylings of Chris Coole at Fernie’s first Flyfishing and music weekend GillBilly
Come out for a Fernie Weekend or just a concert of two.
Weekend Passes $85 (Includes all workshops, wine and cheese reception, taco buffet two concerts and all jams)
Individual Concert Tickets for $20/night
Friday Sept 30: Ben Winship and Eli West (openeer The Doggone Brothers)
Saturday October 1: Chris Coole and friends (opener Redgirl)
All info and tickets available here: http://www.oldtypemusic.ca/gillbilly
Spring into Bluegrass
We are thrilled to be playing with some of fave peeps in the Kootenays this month. If you haven’t herd of the Fisher Peak Performing Arts Society..here is a chance to come to a concert and find out more. This event is a fundraiser for this nonprofit venture designed to bring more music into the East Kootenay. We will be sharing the bill with the fantastic Rosie Brown Band from Kimberley/Cranbrook. Hope you can come!
Here are the Details:
March 28th
Royal Alexandra Hall, Cranbrook, BC
6:30pm Wine and cheese (Doors Open)
Tickets $15 for FPPAS members $20 for non members
Redgirl Opener for Foggy Hogtown Boys
Don’t miss this fantastic night of bluegrass at the Fernie Arts Station. We are thrilled to be opening for the Foggy Hogtown Boys (Toronto, Ont). Redgirl will be playing with Keith Larsen (Cranbrook) and Karl Summerfield (Creston, BC).
Tickets: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/foggy-hogtown-boys-tickets-12386960733
Find us on Facebook
Facebook Event Link
At the end of the year…
A few fantastic Fall gigs done, and a few winter ones to go!
We were part of an incredible dance in the last month, and next month you will find us in the following places;
You can see us at Weefest (Nov 30th, 2013 8:00pm at the Fernie Arts Station)
Music for Grant Lawrence Book release (December 12, 2013 8:00pm at the Fernie Heritage Library).
On January 11th we will be playing at Locals in Cranbrook.
More dances, and hopefully, a few more songs on our little ep forthcoming!
For more up to date info, please LIKE our FACEBOOK Page, and check out our UPDATED EPK !
Spring Offerings
We are happy to announce a few upcoming gigs to our Spring Season. We will be promoting some of our new music for these gigs. So, get ready to hear redgirl with your old-timey bluegrass ears on…now with banjo and an occasional ukulele!
We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been strumming and singing these days!
Saturday, May 4: Locals Show Event, Cranbrook, BC
at the Studio Stage Door. SOLD OUT
Saturday, June 8th Fernie Relay for Life (at the High School Track)
Time: TBA
July 8/9 Steamboat Festival, Invermere, BC
Details to Follow!
Hello 2013
Well, we have regrouped and revived, and are now refreshed and ready to play some new tunes! For the Spring and Summer of 2013, Redgirl is giddy at the thought of returning to some of our former bluegrassy roots (form as the crow flies days), by adding to our repetoire: the clawhammer banjo (Anie), the mandolin (Mike) and Steve’s “new” 1953 Kay Upright Bass! We have have been a few playing tunes with the likes of Jenny Lester, Elena Yeung, even Jason and Pharis Romero. We have jammed on old-timey music in a variety of kitchens and decks here in Southern BC (even thought they feel new-timey to us), and we are coming up with some original pieces to bring your way.
We have high hopes of hitting a few festivals and Street Fairs, and might even return to the recording studio to see what kinds of material we can capture live! For now, we watch the snow fly, and hunker down to play scales, warm up our harmonies and, if we must, sip scotch.