Hello 2013

Well, we have regrouped and revived, and are now refreshed and ready to play some new tunes! For the Spring and Summer of 2013, Redgirl is giddy at the thought of returning to some of our former bluegrassy roots (form as the crow flies days), by adding to our repetoire: the clawhammer banjo (Anie), the mandolin (Mike) and Steve’s “new” 1953 Kay Upright Bass! We have have been a few playing tunes with the likes of Jenny Lester, Elena Yeung, even Jason and Pharis Romero. We have jammed on old-timey music in a variety of kitchens and decks here in Southern BC (even thought they feel new-timey to us), and we are coming up with some original pieces to bring your way.

We have high hopes of hitting a few festivals and Street Fairs, and might even return to the recording studio to see what kinds of material we can capture live! For now, we watch the snow fly, and hunker down to play scales, warm up our harmonies and, if we must, sip scotch.

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